The FISH Platform is the world-leading group of experts involved in safety and health in the fishing industry, with over 100 members in 36 countries from around the world. The group includes representatives from workers, employers, governments, training institutes and fisheries schools.
The platform is free to participants with an interest in the safety and health of fishermen. Our focal events are our two meetings per year. In between these, we have active working groups, delivering real impact in the form of, among other things, training syllabi, codes of practice and guidance documents that have been accepted internationally.
Read More About FISH Platform
More information on the Working Groups can be found at the FISH Platform ‘Projects & Working Groups‘ page.
The most notable outcome of the FISH Platform is the compilation of a FISH Platform syllabus on the general objectives for IMO STCW-F Basic Safety Training for All Fishing Vessel Personnel. 80% of the FISH Platform syllabus has been incorporated in Chapter III of the STCW-F during its comprehensive review IMO HTW subcommittee meetings.
In addition to this achievement, within the FISH Platform the experts have worked on important developments such as the safety management system ‘The Safety Folder’ and a lead auditor course for the Fishing Safety Management Code. All developments taking place in the field of safety and health are shared during the FISH Platform meetings for the benefit of others.
International Fund for Fishing Safety (IFFS)

The International Fund for Fishing Safety is a unique initiative funded by Lloyd’s Register Foundation to support international fishers to improve safety and health in their industry. As a charity with an interest in maritime safety, Lloyd’s Register Foundation supports the work being done to shine a light on this global safety issue and has made funds available to support fishermen’s safety.
The FISH Platform is one of the partners in IFFS and its members are the expert decision makers for IFFS, providing their expertise to assess project applications for feasibility, effectiveness in fisheries safety.
The Fund is managed by The Seafarers’ Charity
More information on the objective of IFFS, the eligibility criteria, and how to apply for a grant fund can be found on the ‘Funding‘ page.
If you have become interested in the work of the FISH Platform and would like to actively contribute to improving the safety of fishermen, become a member of the FISH Platform. To apply, see the ‘FISH Platform Membership’ page.
Membership of the FISH Platform is free of charge and participation in FISH Platform meetings is at no cost. Participants do bear their own travel and accommodation costs.
The working language of the FISH Platform is English.
Even if your command of English is limited, you are of course welcome to become a member of the FISH Platform.